BJ ENERGY INTL Successfully Issued Sustainability-Linked Panda Perpetual Bonds

On April 23, Beijing Energy International successfully issued its fifth tranche of interbank Panda perpetual bonds (sustainability-linked bonds, SLBs). This issuance has the inaugural tranche of 3+N year term, with a total issuance size of 700 million yuan and a coupon rate of 2.9%. The bonds were oversubscribed by a staggering 74 times. The lead underwriter for this issuance was China Merchants Securities, with joint underwriters including Shenwan Hongyuan Securities, CICC, CITIC Securities, and Great Wall Securities.

This successful issuance of SLBs reflects the capital market’s high recognition of the company’s development prospects and credit quality. The oversubscription rate of 74 times demonstrates investors’ confidence in the company’s future development. Furthermore, the issuance of SLBs is aligned with the company’s long-term sustainable development strategy, which helps promote the establishment of a sound environmental, social, and governance (ESG) framework. Going forward, the company will continue to promote the optimization of the global energy structure and the development of clean energy, striving to provide society with clean, efficient, and sustainable energy solutions.