Beijing Energy Holding’s Senior Management Visited the Northern Branch of BJ ENERGY INTL

On June 28, Jiang Fan, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Beijing Energy Holding (BEH), and Vice President Zhang Fengyang visited the Northern Branch of Beijing Energy International. During their visit, they held a meeting to gain firsthand insights into the current development status and future goals, offering strategic advice for high-quality development. They were accompanied by heads of relevant departments of BEH, Chairman Zhang Ping and Vice President Wu Chaoke of Beijing Energy International. The management team of the Northern Branch and relevant department heads also attended the meeting.

The entourage listened to the presentations on business expansion, project construction, safety production, management operations, and overall planning from the Northern Branch. Specific requirements for the next steps were also discussed.

Jiang Fan commended Beijing Energy International’s high-quality development, achieved through innovative systems and mechanisms that continuously stimulate entrepreneurial spirit, and praised the Northern Branch for its current achievements and positive morale. For the next steps, Jiang Fan emphasized the following points:

- Leverage the opportunity of Beijing-Inner Mongolia cooperation and assistance, fully utilize the advantages of traditional resource-rich regions and intensify efforts to solidify Inner Mongolia as a primary strategic area;

- Deepen industrial coordination, promote the integration of power with strategic emerging industries, develop new features, and transform these into new business advantages;

- Pay great attention to comprehensive energy utilization, continuously innovate in waste heat utilization methods to create new growth points;

- Thoroughly assess investment and development risks, strategically focus on key areas, and adopt a selective approach;

- Adhere to the holistic approach for BEH, vigorously advance market integration, reduce costs, refine business operations, and build regional synergies;

- Encourage the development of an excess profit-sharing mechanism to fully inspire employees’ enthusiasm and drive, thus promoting the company’s high-quality development.

Zhang Fengyang emphasized the need to expand projects in overseas markets like Australia, increase investment in high-quality regional projects, focus on lean management, strengthen implementation, improve management efficiency, optimize resource allocation, and precisely control risks to maintain strong development momentum.