BJ ENERGY INTL Held Talks with North China Power Engineering Consulting Group

On August 1, Zhang Ping, Chairman of the Board of Beijing Energy International, and Zhu Jun, President of Beijing Energy International, met in Beijing with Wang Yanhong, Member of the Party Committee and Vice President of China Power Engineering Consulting Group Co., Ltd., and Party Secretary and Chairman of North China Power Engineering Consulting Group (CPECC). The two sides held discussions on in-depth cooperation in the field of clean energy.

During the meeting, both parties introduced their respective business areas, industry landscapes, and future plans. They recognized that each company excels in its field and has achieved significant milestones, establishing a strong foundation and compatibility for collaboration. Moving forward, both parties will enhance communication and coordination mechanisms, building on their prior close interactions. They will leverage their respective strengths to focus on developing clean energy projects, gas turbine power generation, green hydrogen and green ammonia, energy storage, and computing power, both domestically and internationally. The goal is to deepen their strategic partnership, expand collaborative ideas, enrich cooperation content, innovate cooperation models, and work together for mutual benefit. Their joint efforts will contribute to advancing the country’s green and low-carbon energy transition.

Participants in the meeting included General Manager Yang Chunfa, and Deputy Party Secretary of CPECC; Nie Hengkuan, Deputy General Manager; Ren Shengjun, Deputy Chief Engineer and General Manager of New Energy Engineering Company, Party Branch Secretary, and General Manager of Northwest Branch; and Shi Lei, Director of the Company Office (Party Committee Office, Board Office). Participants from Beijing Energy International included Vice President Jia Geng and Vice President Wu Chaoke; Li Jian, Investment Director and General Manager of Strategic Investment Department; and Wang Qi, Executive Director of Beijing Jingneng International Integrated Smart Energy Company.