BEH Executives Conducted Research Visit to Enterprises in Hangzhou

On August 6, Jiang Fan, Party Secretary and Chairman of Beijing Energy Holding (BEH), and Zhang Fengyang, Vice President, visited Wolong Electric Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Wolong Electric”) for discussions with Chairman Chen Jiancheng and other relevant executives. Heads of relevant departments from BEH, as well as Zhang Ping, Chairman of the Board of Beijing Energy International, also participated in the visit.

The delegation first inspected Wolong Electric’s energy storage factory, product exhibition hall, and cultural center, gaining a comprehensive understanding of its development history, strategic vision, and innovative technology implementation.

During the meeting, Jiang Fan pointed out that Wolong Electric, as a leading enterprise in the global motor and drive control industry, has consistently followed the green development trend and remains committed to driving the future with technology. The company has made significant achievements in smart manufacturing, industrial automation, and energy management. He emphasized that BEH and Wolong Electric have a solid foundation for mutually beneficial cooperation and broad business expansion opportunities. He expressed hope that the two parties would further leverage their respective advantages in areas such as capital structure optimization, advanced technology deployment, market development, and carbon asset management, jointly driving innovation and development in the energy industry.

Chen Jiancheng warmly welcomed Jiang Fan and his delegation, noting that BEH, as a key force in ensuring energy security in Beijing, has strong comprehensive strength, a comprehensive industrial layout, and broad development prospects. In recent years, BEH has made remarkable progress in new energy fields such as photovoltaics and wind power. The two companies have strong business complementarity and extensive cooperation potential. Looking ahead, he expressed the hope that the two sides would further build a path for resource sharing, mutual advantage, and green sustainable development, working together to create a new landscape in the energy industry and achieve mutual benefits.

In the afternoon, Jiang Fan and his delegation visited the Hangzhou Energy Storage Station of Beijing Jingneng International Integrated Smart Energy Company. They thoroughly explored the station’s equipment operations, employees’ living conditions, and overall safety management practices. Additionally, they held detailed discussions with the station’s management team about the maintenance and operation of the facility.

Jiang Fan emphasized that due to the proximity of the Hangzhou Energy Storage Station to residential areas, it is crucial to strengthen the implementation of the “Three Simultaneities” (simultaneous design, construction, and operation) in safety production, strictly fulfilling the primary responsibility for safety, and meticulously implementing all safety measures to enhance intrinsic safety. He also stressed the importance of continuous team building, identifying and cultivating more talent, staying in step with new energy developments, fully exploring the station’s potential, and making the most of the flexibility advantages of “energy storage” to complete all production tasks safely and stably during the peak summer period.

He also reminded station leaders and frontline employees to manage the recent high temperatures in Hangzhou carefully, to schedule rest periods scientifically, and to implement effective heat prevention and cooling measures to ensure a safe summer.