BJ ENERGY INTL Held Talks with Yueyang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government

On the afternoon of May 10, Zhang Ping, chairman of the Board of Directors of Beijing Energy International, met with Xie Weijiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Yueyang Municipal Party Committee, in Yueyang City, Hunan Province. The two parties held discussions on deepening cooperation in the fields of energy and computing power.

Xie Weijiang welcomed Zhang Ping and his delegation on behalf of the municipal party committee and government, expressing gratitude for the company’s support for the economic and social development of Yueyang. He stated that Yueyang is currently studying and implementing the important speeches and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping during his visit to Hunan, centering on a blueprint for “Three Highs and Four News”, adhering to the overall thought of “1376”, accelerating the construction of a “1+3+X” modern industrial system, and striving to create “Strong Yueyang in Seven Aspects”. He hoped that the company would leverage its strengths to deepen practical cooperation with Yueyang in the fields of energy and computing power, jointly promoting high-quality development. The Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government will provide service guarantees for the development of enterprises in Yueyang.

Zhang Ping stated that the company has always closely followed Yueyang’s development and hoped to establish a long-term partnership with the city. The company will focus on the needs of Yueyang’s development, strengthen research and planning, and promote the implementation of cooperation projects in areas such as computing power and energy as soon as possible, empowering Yueyang’s high-quality development with intelligent technologies.

The meeting was attended by Li Jianhua, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and executive deputy mayor; Lin Junhua, director of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission; Xiang Kejun, secretary of the Party Committee of Qu Yuan Management Zone; Peng Haiyun, chairman of the Linxiang CPPCC Municipal Committee; Zhao Li, vice president of Beijing Energy International; Li Jian, investment director and general manager of the Strategic Investment Department; An Xiaoxuan, director of the Company Office; Li Xiangyang, general manager of the Northwest Branch Company, and other relevant personnel.