BJ ENERGY INTL’s 2.38 Million KW Wind Power Project Successfully Connected to Gird

At 20:29 of May 12, as the first wind turbine impeller of the Suja Wind Farm in Gaolintun, Beijing, operated by Beijing Energy International, began to slowly rotate, it marked the successful grid connection and power generation of the company’s Tongliao 2.38 million kW wind power project, which is one of the national second batch of large-scale wind and photovoltaic bases focusing on the desert, gobi and barren land area.

The project is located in the Horqin District and Horqin Zuoyi Houqi Banner of Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia, with a total installed capacity of 2.38 million kW. Once operational, the project is expected to produce approximately 7.5 billion kWh of clean electricity annually, saving 2.61 million tons of standard coal and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 6.34 million tons. It plays a positive role in optimizing the energy industry structure of Tongliao City and improving the atmospheric quality of eastern Inner Mongolia, empowering local economic and social green and low-carbon development. 

The total investment of the wind power project is 17.7 billion yuan, including the construction of one 500kV booster station, five 220kV booster stations, 380 units of 6.25MW wind turbines and one 5.0MW wind turbine, as well as 476MWh energy storage devices and 12 units of 50MVar phase-shifting devices. There are a total of eighty three 35kV electrical circuits (including 2,710 tower bases and 455 kilometers of buried cables), and a total of 315 kilometers of the 220kV collection lines (including 7 kilometers of 220kV cables). 1,114 new towers built, covering 13 towns, 59 administrative villages. In total, there are 5 crossings over railways, 2 over highways, 13 over provincial roads, and 2 over rivers. Additionally, there are 3 crossings over 500kV state grid lines, 15 over 220kV lines, and 18 over 66kV lines. It requires modifications to 6 sections of state grid’s 220kV power lines involving power outage for reconstruction.

Since the project started construction on July 19, 2023, facing challenges such as high safety risks, frequent road clearance, and tight hoisting operations schedules, the company, under the strong leadership and support of the Tongliao Municipal Committee and Government, power grid companies, and Beijing Energy Holding, has cooperated with all participating units to coordinate access to the grid, equipment entry, plan review, safety supervision, and inspection. It has overcome various difficulties, including harsh winter conditions and strong winds, and has sprinted towards milestone targets. By leveraging the strengths of all stakeholders and employing a parallel approach to tackle project bottlenecks, construction has adhered closely to the overall project schedule, ensuring high-quality outcomes and marking significant breakthroughs at key milestones.

From August 13, 2023, to November 21, 2023, all wind turbine foundations were completed in 100 days; from September 14, 2023, to April 30, 2024, all wind turbines were installed in 230 days; and from November 9, 2023, to May 9, 2024, the 500kV collection and booster station’s main transformer successfully supplied power for the first time in 183 days. These vivid figures exemplify the unwavering perseverance and enterprising spirit of both the company and all participating units, showcasing the remarkable “Beijing Energy International Speed” in the construction of new energy bases in Tongliao.

As we celebrate our comprehensive victories, we recognize that there is still a long journey ahead. The company remains committed to closely collaborating with all participating units, staying focused on our objectives, exerting relentless efforts, prioritizing safety and quality, and ensuring the timely achievement of the project’s full capacity grid connection goal.