BJ ENERGY INTL Holds Talks with Linyang Energy

On September 4, Zhu Jun, President of Beijing Energy International, met with Lu Yonghua, Chairman of Jiangsu Linyang Energy Co., Ltd. (Linyang Energy), and his delegation in Beijing. The two sides held discussions on deepening cooperation in the field of new energy.

During the meeting, both parties introduced their respective business developments, industrial layouts, and future plans. They agreed that the two companies are leading players in their respective fields, with obvious advantages and a solid foundation for cooperation. Moving forward, based on their prior close contact, both sides will further strengthen communication, innovate cooperation models, expand cooperation space, and continue to deepen and broaden their collaboration in the new energy sector. This will help both parties achieve high-quality development and win-win results, contributing to the green and low-carbon energy transition of the nation.

Attendees from Linyang Energy included Chen Jimin, Senior Vice President; Shi Weibing, Vice President; Cui Dongxu, Vice President and Board Secretary; Yuan Hairong, Director of the Asset Operation Center; Cao Jinjin, President Assistant and General Manager of Linyang Photovoltaic; and Zhao Yunsheng, Director of the Asset Transaction Department. From Beijing Energy International, participants included Jia Geng, Vice President; Li Jian, Investment Director and General Manager of the Strategic Investment Department; Du Wenyuan, General Manager of the East China Branch; and Liu Yingjie, General Manager of the North China Branch.