BJ ENERGY INTL Holds Talks with Hongtai Industrial Finance Investment Co., Ltd.

On September 5, Zhu Jun, President of Beijing Energy International, met with Mi Anlei, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Hongtai Industrial Finance Investment Co., Ltd., and his delegation in Beijing. The two sides held discussions on deepening cooperation in the field of new energy.

During the meeting, both parties presented their business areas, industrial layout, and future plans. They recognized that both companies possess strong capabilities, leading expertise, and complementary advantages in their respective fields, underpinned by flexible operating mechanisms. There is significant potential for collaboration in areas such as the development of domestic and international new energy projects, energy storage, and capital operations. Looking ahead, the two sides will leverage this meeting as a foundation to establish a long-term communication mechanism, maximize their respective strengths in resources, technology, and management, thoroughly tap into market potential, intensify cooperation efforts, broaden the scope of collaboration, and achieve a higher level of mutual success. This partnership will further support the green and low-carbon transformation of the national energy sector.

Participants from Hongtai Industrial Finance Investment Co., Ltd., included Li Chao, Member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager, and Dai Yue, General Manager of Wuhan Nuorui Technology Investment Co., Ltd. Participants from Beijing Energy International, included Vice President Huang Hui and Vice President Jia Geng; Li Jian, Investment Director and General Manager of the Strategic Investment Department; and Yang Dong, General Manager of the Financing Management Center.